مدينه الغردقه Hurghada city

مدينة الغردقه هي عاصمة

محافظة البحر الاحمر وهي اقرب مدنها

وهذه المدنيه يقصدها السياح من كل بقاع الارض نظرا لهدوءها وجمال الطبيعه فيها

أنُشئت الغردقة فى اوائل القرن العشرين .. حيث ظلت الغردقة مدينة صيد صغيرة حتى

اعوام قليلة مضت .. حتى اصبحت اليوم مدينة الغردقة التى هى اكبر المنتجعات السياحية

في مصر ومركزا بحريا عالميا

ده موقع لحجز فنادق وتاكسى وباصات فى الغردقه

This site to book hotels , taxi and bus in Hurghada

وتقع مدينة الغردقه علي بعد385 كم جنوب السويس وتشتهر

بصيد اسماك القرش الباراكودا -ابو شراع-ابوسيف وغيرهم

اما الاسماك المجانيه فتستطيع رؤيتها تحت الماء لانها مرئيه

وبعضها يفقد الوانه فور خروجه من الماء لذلك تعد الغردقه

مراكز للصيد والغوص

ويوجد بالغردقه العديد من الفنادق العالميه والمطاعم الفاخره

وكل ما يلزم السائح من متطلبات لكي تجعله يتمتع بالمدينه

 Crystal clear and calm waters and fascinating coral reefs have made Hurghada or Al Ghardaka as the Egyptians call it, Egypts most popular resort town with more than 150 hotels in all categories. The main town area is called Al Dahar and is located in the northern part of the city.
A few km south you will find Sakala, the "new centre" of Hurghada. In both areas you will find plenty of bazaars, shops, restaurants, bars, night clubs, fruit and vegetable markets as well as the post office, telephone center, banks and money exchange offices plus more.
Further south yet is Mamsha, which is the main Village Road leading out towards Sahl Hasheesh. This area is mainly touristy with many franchise restaurants, McDonalds, Hardrock Cafe and Little Buddha to name but a few. The strip has many hotel resorts including the Steigenberger Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel and the Grand Plaza resort. The area is mainly pedestrian and the traffic is one way.

Hurghada is located 22 km south of El Gouna and 54km north of Safaga, the Red Sea to the east and the mountains of the eastern desert to the west.
Two decades ago Hurghada was a modest little fishing village but is now home to more than 40 thousand people. Most of them work in tourist services for more than 1 million sun seekers and diving enthusiasts visiting the area each year.
 Crystal clear and calm waters and fascinating coral reefs have made Hurghada or Al Ghardaka as the Egyptians call it, Egypts most popular resort town with more than 150 hotels in all categories. The main town area is called Al Dahar and is located in the northern part of the city.

3 التعليقات:

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Hello Egypt A resource for Egypt Travel, Tours, Vacations, Ancient Egypt, News, History, Nile Cruises and Shopping , Ask your questions, find answers All What You Want To Know About Egypt 2015.

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